We at the House of Kindness profess to the following religious beliefs:
Historic and scientific facts are sacred and evolve only as new information presents itself. You have a duty to respect and learn history and science.
Cultures and religions that are different from one's own should be respected and appreciated. These religions include atheism, agnosticism, and paganism.
Diversity makes the world a better and more interesting place.
Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and all other forms of bigotry are indecent, immoral, and against humanity.
Disabled people are valid, are not a burden, and have all the same rights as abled humans.
Disability is not a dirty word and should be used over euphemisms for the words "disabled/disability."
All sexualities are valid and respected.
LGBTQ marriages and relationships are valid and respected.
All genders are valid and respected. Trans people are the gender they tell you they are. Their pronouns are to be respected.
Gender affirming healthcare is a human right for all ages.
Reproductive rights are human rights. This includes abortion, birth control, and comprehensive sexual education for K-12 students.
Abortion is healthcare and is a human right for all ages. Birth control is a human right for all ages.
Vaccines are a human right for all ages.
Child marriage is unethical and is a form of pedophilia.
Drag shows are a valid form of artistry.
Drag performers are excellent story tellers for children at story time.
Segregation and Jim Crow style legislation is vile and unethical.
Police brutality against any minority group is unethical and violates human rights.
Black lives matter.
Immigrants do not belong in cages. Borders should be open.
Redlining is unethical.
Gentrification forces minorities and poor folks from their homes and is unethical.
Water is life.
Colonialism and apartheid in all its forms are unethical.
We in the United States sit on stolen land.
Listen to minorities about minority issues.
We are conscientious objectors to the draft and do not believe any individual should be forced to serve in the military.
Love and genuine kindness should be taught to all of our children, and children deserve respect.
These beliefs can evolve and be added to over time.